Friday, 4 April 2008

My friend Craven Theas, and The Abyss...

The Abyss
I had to zoom away from myself in order to get this shot of the decayed remains, showing the fragile position of the buildings.

The sky above the Abyss is a swirling mass of poisonous gases, but makes for a great sunset!

Good use of of camera controls needed to get this shot, I had to spin my camera round and go down into the depths of the rocks, to look upwards at the spooky lights and scaffolding. These last three shots have not being "tweaked" in photoshop, the builder did such a good job on this place, it was a case of get into position and click away...

Craven Theas, with some lens flare added in photoshop.

This is my very good friend Craven Theas, who owns Urban Dare, Dare Island.
Craven makes neko ware, such as tattoos (yes he made the one he's wearing in the picture!) belts, bracers, braces, whiskers, eyes, and skin. I will be putting some pictures of Cravens wares on this blog also, but at the moment of writeing, Second Life is off-line : (
I took this picture of Craven and me on Abyss, after finally coaxing him off his island and away from building for a few moments. I wanted to share the "Abyss effect" with him. Abyss look s any major city in the world - after a direct hit from a nuclear bomb! incredibly atmospheric and a great place to photos's too!
I "tweaked" this photo in Photoshop to blur the background and make Craven and me stand out

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